Typically, a one-time blood pressure measurement done in a doctor's office or clinical setting is not enough to confirm Hypertension (high blood pressure) or Hypotension (low blood pressure). Insread, BPAro is a small, portable machine which measures the blood pressure of patients at regular intervals for up to 30 hours, while patients go about their normal everyday activities, including sleep. The machine has a user-friendly device set-up with simple instructions for patients and doctors. Frequency and timing of measurements can be easily programmed as per desired intervals. BPAro records patient blood pressure and saves the results on the user's personal cloud account, which will be accessible to view through the BPAro App.

The BPAro Advantage

BPAro measures and generates a large number of blood pressure readings without any manual work from a doctor or the patient. Your doctor may refer you to use a BPAro device if a one-time blood pressure measurement is not enough to confirm hypertension or hypotension. The data generated creates a blood pressure profile for the patient in their usual environment - unaffected by the stressors present in clinical settings. If your doctor suspects that you may have hypertension or hypotension, your doctor may refer you for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), which can also be done using BPAro.

Our Features

  • 3 different cuff sizes provided
  • Easy to use, user-friendly and portable
  • Diabetes button for patients’ already diagnosed with diabetes
  • Up to 350 groups of ambulatory non-invasive blood pressure measurements (NIBP) can be captured
  • Reports are easily downloadable and shareable from the BPAro app
  • BPAro app provides clinical interpretation based on pre-determined guidelines
  • Multiple clinics and multiple patients can be synced to a single account
  • Multiple staff can sign onto a single account
  • Devices are paired to patients and easily trackable
  • HL7 connectivity for electronic medical records available*
  • External API can be made available*
  • Patient health reports can be monitored and compared across time

*HL7 and API connectivity must be requested by contacting support at info@bparo.com by phone +1 800 403 8122

Why BPAro…

A compact, portable device, BPAro ambulatory blood pressure monitor (ABPM), takes blood pressure readings from patients at predetermined intervals for 30 minutes. The device's settings for the frequency and timing of the blood pressure measurement intervals can easily be changed.

These blood pressure measurements are collected and saved by BPAro, which medical professionals can use to upload to each user's cloud storage. As medical professionals, you comfortably fine-tune your patients' medication and more accurately analyze their cardiovascular risks thanks to the quick, accurate data from BPAro's ABPM system. Enables medical practitioners to track the blood pressure of a patient continuously. Without the involvement of the patient or a health professional, BPAro generates and measures a significant number of blood pressure measurements. Reports are available as soon as the information has been sent from the device to the BPAro app.

Our BPAro device is typically utilized to identify high or low blood pressure. But a clinician can also use the tool to keep tabs on patients who have already received a diagnosis while taking medication or making lifestyle modifications.